This is my blog, where I post all my thoughts.

I'm a big fan of Learn in public by swyx and Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon.

I've been wanting to write and host a blog for a long, long time, but I've always been procrastinating and giving thousands of excuses to myself... Well now it's 2025 and I've finally done it. Yay.

So I'll (hopefully) be posting whatever thoughts/reflections I have, as I think it's great to log your life since it's easy to forget.

Also, some goals for 2025.....

- finish the road trip game jam

- i really want to focus on being a beter SWE, which means getting my fundamentals right.

- i want to try making a stardew valley mod!

- also i want to learn linux & graphics programming (opengl, directx) when time allows me

Goals for this website....

- make a template/system for blog posts

- responsive feature

- just....polish it and make it look good? add colors maybe?

⋆. 𐙚 ˚ This website was built using Svelte and Tailwind ⋆. 𐙚 ˚